Pilonidal Cyst

Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Back Pain?


Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Back Pain? Pilonidal cysts are a medical condition that affects more than 70,000 people annually in the United States alone. A skin infection most common in men ages 30-45, pilonidal cysts can form at the top crease of the buttocks, or anywhere between the tailbone to the anus. [...]

Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Back Pain?2024-04-21T10:54:47+00:00

What Causes Pilonidal Cysts?


what causes pilonidal cyst? On average, pilonidal cysts affect about 70,000 people annually in the United States alone. A pilonidal cyst, which in layman terms can be described as a sac of tissue located under the skin at the top or crease of the buttocks, is generally filled with fluid, air, hair, and [...]

What Causes Pilonidal Cysts?2024-04-21T10:59:01+00:00

Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems?


The short answer is, they should not. However, some patients may have advanced chronic disease, that secondarily is affecting their physiologic system as a whole, and this could lead to bowel problems.  What is a pilonidal cyst, and how does it form?  Pilonidal cysts are sacs of tissue that form under the [...]

Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems?2024-04-21T10:55:26+00:00
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